The Tao of Eastwood

by Bret Morstad


Install dependencies:


Compile and run Eleventy server, with a watcher for Sass files:


The site will be compiled into docs/ for simple gh-pages deployment, and the served site will be available at localhost:8080 or e.g.

You can also run individual commands:

# build the static site
gulp build

# run the server
gulp serve

# minify images
gulp imagemin

# compile sass
gulp sass

# lint sass
gulp sasslint

# format sass
gulp prettier

# compile sass docs
gulp sassdoc

# watch sass files (lint & docs & compile)
gulp watch

Sass Docs are compiled into the docs/design/ folder, which is then available at the URL: /design/.


The live site is deployed via Github Pages directly from the master-branch docs/ folder.

Compile changes, commit the results, and push to master.